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Introduction to wg-node HTTP API#

Using wg-node HTTP API you can easily create and manage new WireGuard peers, get useful information about node.

About wg-node API#


wg-node API follows the REST standard. All requests to the API are executed by means of HTTP requests.

When using wg-node API you can operate with the following objects:

  • node - WireGuard node itself
  • api-user - API users
  • peer - WireGuard peers (also known as clients)

The API provides convenient methods to manipulate with them all.


List of available API methods can be found here.

Signing API request#

Important thing to know: all API requests must be signed using API user's private key. What does it mean?

  1. HTTP request must contain API-User-Public-Key header containing node API user's public key.
  2. HTTP request must contain Request-Signature header containing signature of the request.

How to sign request parameters?#

It is really simple and also silly. The recipe:

Step 1. Normalize all request params#

Take path params, query params and request body in JSON format with keys sorted as strings and remove all spaces and newlines from them (I call it normalization in the wg-node source code).

For example:

  • {"boo": "hello", "aaa": 7} -> {"aaa":7,"boo":"hello"}
  • {} -> {}

Step 2. Build one string#

Create a new string concatenating the following strings strictly in this order and adding ; separator between them:

  1. HTTP method you are using in upper case (e.g. POST)
  2. Hostname you are sending request to (e.g. or
  3. Normalized path params (e.g. {"something":"123"})
  4. Normalized query params (e.g. {"foo":"bar"})
  5. Normalized request body (e.g. {"bruh":"what"})

For example, if we want to delete peer peer-1 from wg-node running on, we send the following HTTP request:


It means we have

  • HTTP method DELETE
  • Hostname
  • Normalized path params: {"peer_id":"peer-1"}
  • Normalized query params: {}
  • Normalized request body: {}

Then the resulting concatenated string will be:


Step 3. Create signature#

Sign the string you got in the previous step using RSA algorithm and SHA-256 as the hash method (#TODO).

Step 4. Set request headers#

Tada! Put your API user's public key in the API-User-Public-Key header and HEX value of signature you've made in Request-Signature header and finally send your request!

Why should all API requests to wg-node be signed?#

API request params signing is a layer of security which is made to ensure that API requests come from trusted sources and are not modified on their way by third parties.


I am not a very confident developer, especially in the security area, so if you find this decision strange or incorrect, please feel free to discuss this topic in the project issues on GitHub.