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Set up wg-node on your server#

Follow these simple steps to set up wg-node on your own server.

Step 1. Ensure that your kernel supports WireGuard#

From the official WireGuard documentation

WireGuard requires Linux ≥3.10, with the following configuration options, which are likely already configured in your kernel, especially if you're installing via distribution packages.

  • CONFIG_NET for basic networking support
  • CONFIG_INET for basic IP support
  • CONFIG_NET_UDP_TUNNEL for sending and receiving UDP packets
  • CONFIG_CRYPTO_ALGAPI for crypto_xor

Step 2. Install docker and docker compose plugin#

wg-node is being run in docker containers, so the only dependencies you need to install are docker and docker compose plugin.

You can find installation instructions by clicking on these links:

Step 3. Set up WIREGUARD_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME environmental variable in the .env file#

WIREGUARD_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME environmental variable should be set to your machine's public IP or domain name, which is associated with the machine, for example or

The variable should be located in the ./.env file. You can use ./.env.example file as template to avoid typos:

cp ./.env.example ./.env
# public hostname of the server

Step 4. Set up docker secrets#


It would be useful to read about docker secrets from the docker documentation, if you have never heard about them.

Step 4.1. Create directory for docker secrets#

At first create ./secrets directory and some subdirectories inside it, where all docker secrets will be located:

mkdir secrets
mkdir secrets/node
mkdir secrets/mongo

Step 4.2 Set up secrets for the MongoDB container (wg-node-mongo)#

mongo/username, mongo/password and mongo/username secrets stand for MongoDB user credentials and database name. You need to come up with them yourself!

Then write them to the files:

echo "<USERNAME>" >> "./secrets/mongo/username"
echo "<PASSWORD>" >> "./secrets/mongo/password"
echo "<DATABASE-NAME>" >> "./secrets/mongo/database"

Step 4.3 Set up node/root_api_user_public_key secret#

node/root_api_user_public_key docker secret is a file, which contains public key of the root API user (an API user is any single teapot or computer which has its own public and private keys and whose public key is known by wg-node instance.

From the note above, we can see that we have to generate keypair somehow, and write public key to ./secrets/node/root_api_user_public_key.

Okay... Let's try!

To be continued...